High Country Photographer Honoured

With holidays still in full swing, and the threat of bushfires hanging over much of the country, you may have missed the announcement of the winners in the prestigious Mark Gunter Photographer of the Year awards. For the fourth year in a row, these awards have been run by our friends over at CyclingTips, showcasing the best in road cycling photography. We are so excited that one of our very own Ride High Country photographers, and Mount Beauty local, Matt Rousu made “Lucas’ List”- put together by Mark’s son.

Matt was incredibly humbled and honoured to be included, entering a photo that might look pretty familiar to you Ride High Country fans…it’s from the same sequence as the image that is now adorns the cover of the new Ride High Country Guide, featuring another Mount Beauty local and Ride High Country ambasador, Paul van der Ploeg.

Matt explained to the judges: ‘Paul van der Ploeg and I had just finished up a sunset shoot on the top of Mt Pilot in Victoria’s North East, everything was packed up and we were about to head down. I turned around and saw Paul filming the scene with his phone and thought his silhouette looked amazing, I quickly pulled my camera out of the bag and asked him to ride a few laps on his CX bike. If you know Paul then you’ll know he likes to show off a bit and his few laps turned into “I wonder how high I can bunnyhop this thing.”‘

Congrats Matt!!!

Images courtesy of CyclingTips.com

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