Rider Safety 

Victoria's High Country is home to vast landscapes and pristine environments. Safety is essential especially when cycling in remote areas. Always pre-plan your route before setting out (including checking weather conditions), choose routes that match your experience level, cycle with a group and ride within your limits.


  • Check route distance and difficulty before setting out, ensuring your capability exceeds the requirements.
  • Check weather conditions and Vic Emergency before setting out.
  • Obey road/trail signage and closures.
  • Always carry water and wear sensible clothing to cater for changeable weather conditions.
  • Understand and prepare for remote conditions with limited services and mobile coverage.
  • Carry maintenance equipment suitable for your route, such as spare tubes and a pump, and know how to use them.
  • Be alert and respectful of wildlife and their habitat.
  • Be aware of livestock and farming equipment in agricultural areas, giving way where possible.
  • Ride with a group, especially when cycling routes that travel through remote areas.
  • We recommend using a digital wayfinding/mapping device, plus downloading the Emergency Plus and Victoria's High Country App.